Preparing for a Red Weather Warning: Feeding Baby During Power Cuts

When a Red Weather Warning is looming, as a parent with a small baby at home, it can be quite an anxious time when you are not sure if and for how long your power will be out. It’s crucial to be prepared for potential power outages, especially when caring for babies. Here are some […]

My Morning Tips for Getting Out the Door with Small Kids

If you are reading this, I am guessing you are searching for some morning tips to help with the chaos of small kids! Mornings with small kids can feel like navigating a circus act. As a mum of 4 kids, I feel that one to my core! By the time you get out the door, […]

Why Mums Struggle to Celebrate Themselves—and How to Start

Why Do Mums Struggle to Feel Proud of Themselves? I ran a session recently with a group of gorgeous new mums. When I asked the question “What is one thing from this year that you’re proud of yourself for?” – the room fell silent. As mums, we often pour every ounce of our energy into […]

Matrescence: Understanding the Transformation into Motherhood

When we talk about becoming a mother, we often focus on the excitement of welcoming a baby or the practicalities of preparing for a new arrival. Yet, hidden in plain sight is a profound transition that has long lacked recognition—a phase of life that has a name as complex and transformative as the experience itself: […]

Mastering Time & Task Management: A Practical Guide for Busy Parents

Let me introduce you to Joanne, one of my coaching clients. Joanne is a mother of two young children and works four days a week in a marketing role. She is back to work after maternity leave about 2 months now. She wakes up early (mainly with a toddlers foot in her back and the […]

Returning to Work after Parental Leave? How Back-to-Work Coaching Can Benefit You

Returning to work after a break can be both exciting and daunting. Have you found yourself wondering how you will juggle work and family life? Are you feeling unsure about how to prepare for this transition? As a mum, you might be used to putting everyone else first, often neglecting your own needs and aspirations. […]

Balancing Work and Motherhood: How to Ease Mum Guilt

“I just feel guilty all the time, whether it’s at home or work. I am constantly trying to be everything to everyone and feel like I am failing at it all.”  Sarah, one of my clients, said this to me last week on our first call together. And it’s something I hear all the time […]

Equity in Parenting: How to Step Back from Being the Default Parent

It’s 7.00 a m, and Fiona’s already feeling the pressure of the day ahead. As she hurriedly gets dressed for work and tries to stick a bit of make-up on, she hears her husband, Ray, calling up the stairs, “Where are Emily’s shoes? And what should she wear today?” Fiona sighs, abandons the mascara and […]

Your Right to Request Remote Working and Flexible Working

For parents & carers in Ireland, from the 7th March 2024, the right to request flexible working arrangements is now operational. And for all employees the right to request remote working is now operation. 👉This follows on from the legislation that was passed in Ireland in April 2023 under the Work Life Balance and Misc […]

Top Strategies for Re-Onboarding Returners Effectively

There are many reasons businesses welcome back employees who have been off for an extended time, such as maternity, paternity, parental, carer, bereavement, illness leave. This process, known as re-onboarding, is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition for the returner and the business. It also aids retention of key talent, supports the returners well-being and […]

5 Strategies to Help Ease the Transition Back to Work

Heading back to work after any kind of significant leave, such as maternity leave, parental leave, a career break, is undoubtedly one of the most challenging transitions a parent can face. The blend of emotions, ranging from excitement about resuming professional life to the inevitable separation anxiety, can be overwhelming. However, with careful planning and […]

A Practical Guide for Mums Preparing for Maternity Leave from Work

Are you getting ready to go on maternity leave soon? As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, balancing professional responsibilities with impending motherhood may seem daunting. With careful planning, you can set yourself up for success, and feel empowered and ready both at home and at work ahead of your maternity leave. […]

Breastfeeding When Returning to Work – The Conversation

If you are breastfeeding when returning to work, the anxiety or worry or how your feeding journey will be impacted can play on our minds. Unfortunately, in some workplaces, the conversation with your manager / team that you are breastfeeding your child and will need breaks and facilities to pump or feed is not a […]

Top Tips on Balancing Work and Parenting During Holidays

As Summertime looms, and balancing work and parenting re-commences for some, the thoughts and anxiety of managing it all is beginning to weigh on many parent’s minds.  There is no denying the juggle of school holidays and work can be challenging depending on your childcare situation. The burden tends to fall on the Mum to […]

The Importance of Support When Returning to Work – Maternal Mental Health Week

The transition when returning to work after having a baby can be challenging for mothers, both physically and emotionally. As anyone who has experienced returning to work will know, it is not uncommon for mums to experience a range of emotions such as anxiety, overwhelm, guilt, sadness, self-doubt and stress when returning to work after […]

The top things Mums worry about when going back to work after maternity leave

Going back to work after maternity leave can bring up a lot of worries for Mum. After spending a significant amount of time at home with baby, the transition back can be multi layered. The overwhelm, challenges, anxiety, guilts and any other feeling a Mum has returning to work are all valid. Here are some […]

Help to overcome mum guilt when back to work

Childcare and mum guilt come up, understandably, a lot, when mum’s are going back to work after maternity leave. Your child starting in childcare, is without doubt one, of the hardest parts of going back to work. With most Mum’s moving from a space of being with baby probably 24/7 to only seeing them potentially […]

5 tips for the working parent on how to get through the day when sleep deprived

Lack of sleep when a working parent in no joke. Sleep deprivation can make you feel even more overwhelmed, over-stressed, under-productive, increase your self-doubt, question your abilities…the list could go on. The brain and other organs do a lot of their restorative work when you are asleep. When you are waking frequently at night, or […]

Return to work – Preparing yourself for your return

For the return to work after maternity leave, parental leave, or extended period from work, it is important to have some tools to come back to when you are having tough days. We often have a lot of the practical preparation done, and everyone else in the family and work sorted, but what about ourselves. [...]

Return to work – Top practical preparation tips

When you are due to return to work, not only are you trying to mentally prepare yourself for all that comes with that transition, but you also need to practically prepare. The motherload is very real and very overwhelming, delegation and communication is criticial for you and your family as you return to work. The […]


Below are some practical tips for managers supporting colleagues returning to work from maternity leave: Prior to returning to work: Ensure all is in order in relation to general house keeping – HR, IT, payroll, access to building etc. Clarify return date. Will they need pumping facilities? Ensure you are aware of accrued annual leave […]


For working Mums, it can often feel like your confidence is taking a dip, whether that is when preparing to return to work, or are back a while. Here are 7 things to remember (and there are many more) and to shout from the rooftops about: How organised you are Juggling the motherload is intense […]


Returning to work after maternity leave can be a rollercoaster, with many ups and downs, twists and turns. When you think about it (and experience it), some parallels can be drawn to the 4th trimester: It can hit us harder than anticipated. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, where we are trying to find our […]